A person falsely arrested has been illegally restrained against his will. It's illegal to restrain another person against their will.Doing so will lead to a charge of false imprisonment, which means serious penalties. The main difference between the two is that false arrest requires an arrest, but, false imprisonment only requires unlawful detention. In that case, one individual holds another against their will or takes them into custody without consent or legal authority to do so. False imprisonment, on the other hand, mainly focuses on the act of confinement without broader motives. 2. False arrest requires an arrest, but, false imprisonment only requires unlawful detention. False arrest, unlawful arrest and wrongful arrest are all proper terms for that set of facts. False arrest is similar to false imprisonment, although there are several differences. Both kidnapping and false imprisonment are serious crimes under Florida law, and convicted individuals face decades of jail time, if not jail time for life.