Call (561) 746-7076 for a 5 minute free consultation. The Domestic Violence Department is located in room 3.2200 on the 3rd floor of the Main Courthouse in West Palm Beach, as well as our branch offices.741.28-741.31: (1) "Department" means the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In Palm Beach Gardens, can domestic violence victims drop charges against alleged abusers? Explore your options. False imprisonment is a felony crime in the state of Florida. City Hall, the Mandel Public Library and all non-essential city services will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. If you're accused of robbery or facing an indictment, contact a criminal defense attorney immediately to build your defense and secure your freedom. If you're accused of robbery or facing an indictment, contact a criminal defense attorney immediately to build your defense and secure your freedom. False imprisonment is a felony crime in the state of Florida.