The police are not required to read the Miranda warning any time they question a suspect in connection with a criminal investigation or arrest. As long as you only ask questions about the suspects ID or the questions are to investigate a crime, then Miranda is not needed.This article will discuss your rights during and after an arrest, police searches, and steps to take should you feel that your rights have been violated. If you are arrested for a crime and the police fail to read your Miranda rights, you need to contact a criminal defense lawyer right away. Law enforcement is not required to read you your rights at the time of your arrest but must do so prior to questioning you. Our criminal defense lawyer in Pennsylvania will identify whether your Miranda rights were violated, and then use that information to build a solid defense. While Miranda warnings are extremely important, an officer's failure to read them in and of itself does not result in a dismissal of criminal charges. These rights include your right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present during questioning. The takeaway is that without Miranda warnings, nothing a person says while in custody can be used at trial. The government must advise you of your Miranda rights if they are engaging in a custodial interrogation.