A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he knowingly restrains another unlawfully so as to interfere substantially with his liberty. False arrest victims may have the right to sue the police officer and police department responsible for the arrest.Section 2903 - False imprisonment (a) Offense defined. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. In Pennsylvania the only way you can sue for false imprisonment as if you win trial. It can occur in a room, on the streets, or even in a moving vehicle. 2d 1125, 1131 (Pa. Super. Your wrongful arrest can have a large or low settlement depending on individual circumstances. Yes, most of the time it is a felony, however it depends on your state (if in the U.S.) as to what constitutes an offense. Penalties for kidnapping in Pennsylvania are explained in the next section.