The first formal step in your DUI case is your preliminary hearing. If you facing a DUI matter call (215) 542-0800 for a FREE consultation.Contact Fienman Defense today to learn how experienced DUI attorney Michael Fienman helps you fight drunk driving charges. Most individuals charged with DUI are not required to post bail and are typically released on their own recognizance. DUIs are taken very seriously, especially in Center City and surrounding areas of Philadelphia. What To Do If You Got A DUI On New Year's Eve Is a "Wet Reckless" plea a good alternative to a Drunk Driving Charge? The Municipal Court Arraignment. What To Do If You Got A DUI On New Year's Eve Is a "Wet Reckless" plea a good alternative to a Drunk Driving Charge? What Happens After You Are Arrested for DUI in Philadelphia? When dispatching a transportation vehicle for a DUI arrest, police radio may use an.