The LLF Law Firm explain the process of an arrest, covering both arrests that happen on the scene of a potential crime, and arrests via warrant. Criminal proceedings in court cases shall be instituted by: (1) filing a written complaint; or (2) an arrest without a warrant.C.S. §8902 authorizes arrests without a warrant under Title. An officer can search your car or home without a warrant if you give consent, which is known as a "consent search. This is done a few different ways. For example, if a police officer witnesses a suspect commit a crime, they do not need a warrant to arrest. COMMENT: For the summons procedures in non-summary cases in the Municipal Court of Philadelphia, see Rule. 1003(C). Reason for issuance A judge issues a bench warrant when someone disobeys a previous court order. The law is clear: a warrant authorizes law enforcement to take specific actions against you, including your immediate arrest. Not exactly, but the warrant will be out there, and any officer in any other state can and should arrest you for violation of that offense.