At the bottom of this page is a link to a form you may fill out and submit to let our employee know that what he or she did is appreciated. If you have been charged with false reporting to law enforcement in Arizona, the experienced lawyers at Salwin Law can assist you.Learn how to report police misconduct in Arizona, including the steps to take, where to file complaints, and how to protect your rights during the process. The authority to arrest depends on the existence of a crime or arrest warrant; without a crime or arrest warrant, there can be no arrest. Call us today for a free consultation with a False Reporting Lawyer. DM Cantor has 3 Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists.. Phoenix Wrongful Arrest Lawyer: Zanes Law has a proven track record of success with decades of experience. Call for a free consultation today. When individuals in Arizona suddenly face criminal charges or arrest warrants, it's often unexpected and can be incredibly stressful. A felony has been committed and probable cause to believe the person to be arrested has committed the felony. 2.