This badge identifies you as a juror to other people in the Court, and should prevent them from discussing Municipal Court cases while in your presence. The Answer generally contains the following parts: • Admissions: What you agree is a true statement in the other party's Complaint;.Update: It was real. They kept texting me reminders of jury duty so I decided to called them and they said I do need to go. Submit your completed claim form and supporting documentation to the Jury Commissioner for processing. Please complete the online Contact, Qualifications and Excuses questionnaires (and Disability Questionnaire if needed). Such calls are fake, and the only entity that would request fees associated with missing jury duty would be a judge in court. Get information about jury duty in the City of Phoenix Municipal Court. You can certainly notify the jury administrator of the error, and see if the decision made will be reconsidered. Fill out the contact form or call us at (480) 4131499 to schedule your free initial consultation.