Free Tucson DUI Consultation (520) 903-1422. "Simple" Misdemeanor DUI 1st Offense.In addition you will be required to complete alcohol or drug screening before you can obtain a restricted permit or reinstate your driving privilege. Contact Our Pima County DUI Defense Lawyers for Help. How do I find out if I have a Warrant for my arrest? If you suspect that a warrant exists for your arrest you should contact the court of jurisdiction. Contact our Pima County drunk driving defense attorneys at 520-220-5047 to learn more about the DUI laws in Arizona. There is an Inmate Lookup in the above navigation menu where you can find a listing of inmates currently being held in the Pima County Adult Detention Complex. If you were arrested in Pima County for driving under the influence, let the Board-Certified DUI Law Specialists at the Rosenstein Law Group help you. You will be asked to provide a case number, name, birth date, and social security number (if available).