If you were arrested but no initial appearance was held, you must file in the superior court in the county where you were arrested. 3. Please complete the form below to submit your Online Request.There is no charge for this service. Here is the link to the Pima County Superior Court webpage, to find out more about setting aside convictions where charges originated in Pima County. How do I find out if I have a Warrant for my arrest? If you suspect that a warrant exists for your arrest you should contact the court of jurisdiction. Pima County public defenders are offering free legal clinics to help people with certain criminal records seal those cases from public view. A person who is arrested, convicted or sentenced before, on or after December 31, 2022, may petition the court to have their criminal case record sealed. Anyone who was arrested, convicted or sentenced for a crime in Arizona can petition to have their criminal case record sealed. If you have a professional license in Arizona, a DUI conviction can ruin your career.