The application of the Fourth Amendment to an in-school search of your child or their property differs from the more generally applicable criminal standard. Debates over the scope of unreasonable searches and seizures sparked the American Revolution as we'll learn in a moment.In the 1981 case, People v. Give out the page with the text of the Fourth Amendment at the start of the class, and give out the other supplemental handouts as you go along. The Fourth Amendment and Article 14 Do Not Apply in Private Schools. 1. The New York City Department of Education (DOE) takes the confidentiality of information about you and your children seriously. Protection in the Twenty-First Century, 72 MISS. I am sorry to tell you but no. See Buss, The Fourth Amendment and Searches of Students in Public Schools, 59 Iowa L. The Fourth Amendment prohibits government officials from performing "unreasonable searches and seizures.