Upon being arrested, the police will have the complainant (the party – husband, wife, boyfriend, etc. Most criminal domestic violence cases start with an arrest and criminal charges for Domestic Violence Acts.There is no crime called domestic violence. After you tell the clerk at the front desk you are there, you will be given forms to fill out, including one to write down the incidents of violence. The mandatory arrest law has one possible exception: if you and the alleged victim were both involved in the incident. The New York City Domestic Violence Hotline provides safety planning, referrals, and connections to emergency housing for victims of domestic violence. You can get an order of protection from a Family Court, a court that hears criminal cases, or a Supreme Court. If you have been accused of domestic violence in Queens, the best course of action is to contact our criminal defense attorney for a consultation. There is no one criminal offense in New York that is called "domestic violence. " In other words, you cannot be arrested and charged with domestic violence.