In New York State, the penalties for an alcohol or drug-related violation include the loss of driving privileges, fines, and a possible jail term. What was the basis for the police to pull you over in the first place?Did you admit to drinking or make any other statements? The Ultimate Guide to New York DWI Law was created to help people who were arrested for alcohol-related offenses in the New York Area. The first thing that will happen, after you are placed under arrest, is the officer will take you to the 112 th precinct, which is in Forest Hills, Queens. Call us at (718) 575-8433 to learn more. The Vehicle Seizure Form explains how to request a Krimstock hearing and the process for the hearing. Swerving out of a lane. If you are charged with reckless driving, there is an advantage in hiring an attorney early in the process. You do not want a misdemeanor on your record!