The NYPD has prepared important information on the criminal justice process in New York City so you can become more familiar with many procedures. If you are convicted of a crime in New York, you will be required to pay certain fees.Arrest without a warrant: a. For an offense when reasonable cause to believe offense committed in his presence, or. A federal case usually begins with an arrest on a document called a criminal complaint or an arrest warrant. These documents are not evidence. A conviction for misdemeanor assault in the third degree will result in a far less severe sentence than a conviction for felony assault in the first degree. For example, an intoxicated Indiana man was arrested in a Wal-Mart parking lot for beating his wife, who was eight months pregnant at the time. Assault in the second degree is much more serious, and becomes what's called a violent Class D felony. 529 - Powers to Enter Dwelling-houses to Carry out Arrests.