The Jury Division is located at: 360 Adams Street, Room 156, in the Supreme Court Building, in Brooklyn, NY. We are open Monday through Friday, from a. A new juror scam email, which fraudulently seeks personal information that could aid identity theft, has been reported in at least 14 federal court districts.I have just received a notice of delinquency from the commissioner of Jurors in NY that says I have to complete the questionnaire within 10 days of the notice. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. In this blog post, I share an account of my firsttime experience with jury duty service, which happened to take place in New York City. Travis County's award winning jury impaneling system just got better! We've added features to keep you up to date on your jury assignment. In Manitoba, jury trials take place in the Court of King's Bench. You may also mail this form directly to Jury Administration, P.O. Box 260448, Hartford, CT 06126-0448. My Mother Received a Juror Subpoena Failure to Respond; Queens County.