If you have been arrested for DUI, your charges and penalties after conviction will depend on the number of DUI charges on your criminal record in ten years. The judgment creditor or assignee shall fill out and file Judicial Council of California Form SC90 to acknowledge full payment.The arresting officer is legally bound to submit all pertinent information relating to the charges within a 48-hour period of the suspect's arrest. Riverside Sheriff's Offender Court Calendars. List of jails and corresponding court calendar. California uses over 100 unique enhancements. What Are the Penalties for a 2nd DUI in California? Vem Miller, 49, reportedly claimed he's a Trump supporter a day after he was cuffed Saturday afternoon near the Coachella Valley rally at a checkpoint. At sentencing you were ordered to complete some program or class, or pay fines. We now have a procedure that requires a judge to certify an arrest within that time frame.