Online: Submit your forms online through the Civil eFiling Portal. California Penal Code § 236 PC defines false imprisonment as unlawfully restraining, detaining, or confining a person against his or her will.People are required to prove, from all the evidence in the case, beyond a reasonable doubt, the following four elements: 1. Civil court can provide for legal remedies, such as monetary damages, and equitable remedies, including injunctions. Excessive Force By a Police Officer? If the abuse or neglect has recently occurred, but the "emergency" is over, contact the police department business line at (951) 787-7911. By filing a complaint with the police department, you can demand the officer face repercussions for their false arrest. Exhaust the Prison Grievance System! Use all the steps in the prison complaint or grievance system and write up your concerns in detail. By filing a complaint with the police department, you can demand the officer face repercussions for their false arrest.