Under PC 836, an officer can arrest you without a warrant if they have "reasonable cause" or "probable cause" to believe you committed a crime. So warrants are obtained when an identifiable suspect is "in the wind", and a PCD is written when the suspect is arrested and no warrant exists.Prior to serving any arrest warrant, officers shall make the following notifications: a. If you fail to appear in court, the judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. There are two ways that you can search for an inmate: 1. Law enforcement officials can also search a residence, person, or electronic device with the consent of the person or owner without a warrant. What is the difference between being booked and having a warrant out for your arrest without being arrested immediately? A search or seizure is generally considered to be unreasonable without a warrant, subject to only a few exceptions. Firearms located on the person detained or legally accessible to the officer without a warrant shall be seized (e.g. How do I find out if I have a warrant?