A false arrest is one way of committing false imprisonment. To prove false arrest, a person must prove three elements.Plaintiff's Fifth Amendment Claim for False Arrest. An officer is looking at felony charges for allegedly filing a false police report, according to the Sacramento Police Department. Alexa Palubicki, 26, was arrested and placed on administrative leave as soon as the department learned of her alleged misconduct, officials said. In this blog, we'll discuss how wrongful arrests happen and explore what you can do if a police officer unlawfully arrested you. 3d 463, 477 (9th Cir. By filing a complaint with the police department, you can demand the officer face repercussions for their false arrest. But as I pulled up to my house, a Detroit police squad car was waiting for me. "We were advised that the RIPA form for this incident was never completed," the documents state.