Gov; Fax to: 916-588-4797; Mail to: Jury Commissioner Sacramento Superior Court 720 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814. You fill out some paperwork, turn it in, and wait, wait, wait.Discover how to navigate jury duty with ease using realistic fake jury duty letters and notes. A new juror scam email, which fraudulently seeks personal information that could aid identity theft, has been reported in at least 14 federal court districts. You are required to check the reporting instructions for a maximum of five (5) days or until instructed that your service is complete without having to report. If the summons is from a state (not federal) court you are not permitted to serve. Only county residents may serve. Complete the questionair which will show that you have moved out of state, return it to the vourt clerk, and you will be excused. Discover how to navigate jury duty summons with tips and fake document insights. Stay informed about your rights!