The California Secretary of State has found fake Certificates of Status are being circulated from websites and social media messaging applications. You've seen the posts on Twitter and Facebook, or maybe someone forwarded a WhatsApp message about suspicious activity with California's recall ballots.Instructions on how to get the form to us: Fill out and print form. Mail to: 906 G Street Suite 730, Sacramento CA 95814. CalBike chooses the best and worst of developments for people who bike, walk, and take transit in California in 2024. If you are having tax problems and have not been able to resolve them with the IRS, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) may be able to help you. People We Meet: Shulamis Koyfman, Soviet Jewish refugee and longtime nurse. Instructions on how to get the form to us: Fill out and print form. Mail to: 906 G Street Suite 730, Sacramento CA 95814. Customer Service FAQs.