¶1 Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (PPAU) challenges the law Senate Bill 174 enacted (SB 174). In 1973, the Court concluded in Roe v.Wade that the US Constitution protects a woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy. How constitutional rights and guarantees in U.S. law can help strengthen reproductive rights going forward. Utahns will continue to have access to abortion up to 18 weeks of pregnancy, the majoritywoman Utah Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Salt Lake City, 348 F.3d 1182, 1188 (10th Cir. ²Missouri voters approved Amendment 3 on November 5, 2024, providing for a right to abortion in the state constitution. Utah State Legislature and State v. Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, may be found at the above-noted address. The ruling impacts only a previously ordered block on the law and does not determine the final outcome of abortion policy in the Beehive State.