Online Police Reporting. Please call 911 if there is immediate danger to people or property, a crime is happening right now, or the suspect is still on scene.Acting "against the will of an individual" includes acting without the consent of the legal guardian, caretaker, or custodian of an individual. A person commits a threat of violence if: a) the person threatens to commit any offense involving bodily injury, death, or substantial property damage. Download and complete the Attorney General's Office Complaint Form. Felony false imprisonment applies in cases where the defendant is found to have used violence, menace, fraud or deceit. This page is about how to ask for or respond to a cohabitant, dating violence or sexual violence protective order. Learn more about how to to serve civil papers relating to judicial actions filed with the court in Salt Lake County. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. Salt Lake City Police Department.