An actor commits providing false information to a law enforcement officer, government agency, or specified professional. False arrest, sometimes known as false imprisonment or wrongful arrest, occurs when someone wrongfully holds you against your will or takes you into custody.A false arrest is an unlawful restraint of an individual's freedom to move about. A false arrest is the arrest of another individual with no warrant or legal authority to do so. It is important to remember that a timely word of advice rather than arrest which may be correct in appropriate circumstances can be a more. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. False arrest, sometimes known as false imprisonment or wrongful arrest, occurs when someone wrongfully holds you against your will or takes you into custody. The Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) Law Enforcement Academy (LEA) is an authorized satellite academy of the Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). Expungement means clearing your record. When a court expunges your case, without an expungement order, an arrest or conviction stays on your record forever.