Free consultation: 801-651-1512. Download and complete the Attorney General's Office Complaint Form.Hatch U.S. Courthouse is located at 351 S. West Temple at the corner of Fourth South and West Temple in downtown Salt Lake City. Obtain and fill out an Attorney Request form, put it in an envelope marked "Legal. Correspondence," and place it in the mailbox. These rules shall govern the procedure in all criminal cases in the courts of this state except juvenile court cases. Police officers will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice. Get free access to the complete judgment in Aus v. The original writers and editors of the Handbook (formerly the NLG Jailhouse Lawyers Manual), Brian. Annie Alyse Ambrogio, 21, was arrested for the offenses of identity fraud, a second degree felony; two counts of producing or transferring false identification.