Those who refuse to complete the juror questionnaire or refuse to appear when called to serve are subject to fines and jail time for contempt of court. Section I. How Jury Service Operates.To complete the Juror Questionnaire, click on this link. If we determine you are qualified for jury service, a Summons for Jury Service will be emailed. I got selected for jury section and have to call tomorrow to see if I need to go. (1) A trial jury consists of: (a) 12 persons in a capital case;. (b) eight persons in a noncapital first degree felony aggravated murder or other criminal case. Finally, Utah Courts will never have law enforcement contact you about missing jury duty and never threaten arrest or jail time over the phone. While most of the state is not currently holding jury trials during the pandemic, the court says they may send a jury questionnaire in the mail. These scams include scammers posing as authority figures and fake companies, employment scams, and identity theft.