Absent actual or threatened violence, false imprisonment is a usually a misdemeanor under California Penal Code §237. David S. Chesley's law office has a team of defense attorneys that are known for their knowledge and experience in courthouses across California.Compare the best False Imprisonment lawyers near San Bernardino, CA today. Penal Code § 210.5 PC sets forth the crime commonly known as taking a human shield. (b) Participated in at least eight hours of training or education in juvenile law. The San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office prosecution section contains attorneys and staff who prosecute people for crimes. California defines false imprisonment as the unlawful violation of another individual's personal liberty. San Bernardino criminal defense attorneys and DUI lawyers. Get your San Bernardino case dismissed! California Penal Code 236 PC describes the crime of false imprisonment as unlawfully depriving another person of their personal liberty.