C. 273.5(a)) and felony false imprisonment (P. The term violence in false imprisonment law means using physical force against a person that is greater than the amount necessary to restrain a person.Domestic battery, causing severe physical harm, sexual abuse, harassment, and false imprisonment are all examples of domestic violence offenses. Penal Code 243(E)(1) defines domestic battery as the unlawful and deliberate use of force or violence against a spouse, cohabitant, or significant other. But the crime of Resisting Arrest requires the use of "threat," "force," or "violence. You acted in self-defense. Physical Offenses and Domestic Violence: Some of the most common offenses involving children are various forms of domestic violence. In a domestic violence dispute, if the victim consented to the detention or restraint, then the defendant would not be criminally liable for the crime. Physical Offenses and Domestic Violence: Some of the most common offenses involving children are various forms of domestic violence. Pursuant to Penal Code Section 237, false imprisonment can be charged as a felony if it involved "violence, menace, fraud, or deceit.