Absent actual or threatened violence, false imprisonment is a usually a misdemeanor under California Penal Code §237. Do Not Speak to Authorities Without an Attorney: Anything you say can be used against you.Felony false imprisonment does not require that a person physically touch, restrain, or move another person. Penal Code 237 PC, California's false imprisonment law, punishment. California law makes it illegal to restrain, detain or confine someone without their consent. Doing so is the crime of "false imprisonment." The penalties for false imprisonment of an elder or dependent adult involving violence, menace, fraud, or deceit include up to four years in prison. If you have been charged with false imprisonment, Chesley Lawyers identify defense strategies, and aggressively protect your rights in court if necessary. You can face charges and a conviction for filing forged or false documents when you: Present a document in a public office to be registered, recorded or filed. Example: Two officers respond to a domestic violence event.