The Juvenile Probation Department manages the 2 local detention facilities in the county. Administrative booking is a crucial process in the criminal justice system used to formally record an individual's arrest.Rehabilitation and Pardon Form: I would like to know where I can obtain a form for entering a Petition for Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon. It shows that I was arrested and released on the same date. But I was not released "in the nature" until my friends bailed me out the next day. Santa Clara County arrest warrants can be obtained through in-person inquiries at the sheriff's office, the local police departments, and the Superior Court. Now people who are charged in Santa Clara County can appear in court to request removal of a warrant. Office of the Sheriff ; First Name. "The court may recommend or refer a person to the correctional administrator for consideration for placement in the home detention program. The amount of paperwork police officers fill out after an arrest can vary agency to agency.