Misdemeanor or felony false imprisonment? Absent actual or threatened violence, false imprisonment is a usually a misdemeanor under California Penal Code §237.On this website you will find a Citizens' Complaint Form. "violent felony" is alleged, the interview of the suspect will be electronically recorded as outlined in the Santa Clara County. It almost never happens. Only cases I see false accusations charged is after the falsely accused already spent like 10 years in jail. Racism and police violence, arriving after the police had blocked Santa Clara at 7th Street. We offer a free case evaluation at 4243723112 or fill out our contact form. For more information see the FAQs below or call the San Jose Police Department - Court Liaison Unit at (408) 277-5271. FAQs. What to do and who to call if you or a friend are a victim of domestic violence in Santa Clara County. Fraud.