Furthermore, the jail sentences actually executed may often be served through alternative sanctions such as work programs or house arrest. When a crime is committed in a police officer's presence an officer may arrest a suspect on the spot without an arrest warrant.A RAP sheet includes: 1. Arrests and Detentions. Arrest: Law enforcement takes an individual into legal custody in response to the suspicion of an individual's violation of the law. So, as long as people with mental illness are able to refuse treatment, arrest and jail can happen. Arrest Your arrest signifies the beginning of the criminal process in your Santa Clara DUI case. In this environment, one officer oversees a locked "module" or dormitory with up to 96 inmates. Each inmate has a cell with a toilet, sink, mirror, and bed. If one of the conditions is present, the arresting officer can then take the defendant to county jail and bail will be assessed at a later time.