He refused to leave and was arrested. He alleged that he had been subjected to an unlawful arrest, excessive force, and several state law torts.Constituted false imprisonment under California law. "The released documents are to be used only in the above captioned Santa Clara County Superior Case. After Morales moved out, the ex-convict repeatedly threatened her, attempted to stab her, sexually assaulted her at knife-point, and falsely imprisoned her. If you have been charged with false imprisonment, Chesley Lawyers identify defense strategies, and aggressively protect your rights in court if necessary. We look only to the allegation that plaintiff was never served with any order of detention or petition for examination. Absent actual or threatened violence, false imprisonment is a usually a misdemeanor under California Penal Code §237. California Penal Code Section 237 lays out the penalties for false imprisonment. We Look Out For You.