False imprisonment occurs when you unlawfully deprive another person of his or her personal liberty. California Penal Code § 236 PC defines false imprisonment as unlawfully restraining, detaining, or confining a person against his or her will.California law makes it illegal to restrain, detain or confine someone without their consent. Doing so is the crime of "false imprisonment." If you have been charged with false imprisonment, Chesley Lawyers identify defense strategies, and aggressively protect your rights in court if necessary. Under California Penal Code Section 236, false imprisonment occurs when a person is detained, restrained, or confined without consent. The staff, party, counsel, or investigator must fill out and present a Declaration regarding the request for records. California Penal Code 236 PC describes the crime of false imprisonment as unlawfully depriving another person of their personal liberty. If you are wrongfully imprisoned, you may be able to sue for wrongful imprisonment in California. Ultimately, a court could award you monetary compensation.