False imprisonment occurs when you unlawfully deprive another person of his or her personal liberty. If you have been charged with false imprisonment, Chesley Lawyers identify defense strategies, and aggressively protect your rights in court if necessary.If a person actually believes that the other person consented to the movement, a charge of kidnapping fails if the belief is reasonable under the circumstances. California Penal Code § 236 PC defines false imprisonment as unlawfully restraining, detaining, or confining a person against his or her will. Simply locking someone in a room or refusing to let them get out of a moving vehicle could result in false imprisonment charges. California law makes it illegal to restrain, detain or confine someone without their consent. Doing so is the crime of "false imprisonment." Santa Clara Police Brutality Lawyers Advocating for the rights of victims of police misconduct in the Bay Area. Advocating for the rights of victims of police misconduct in the Bay Area ☎️ call us today. Under PC 236, there is no requirement that the victim is moved to another location.