The Inmate Records Coordinator (IRC) at each DOCCS correctional facility is responsible for sentence time calculations. The petitioner's attorney, petition clerk, or probation officer interviews the petitioner and prepares the petition based on the information provided.Interim Probation Supervision. This chart describes certain prison sentences authorized for those convicted of certain crimes in New York state. Learn about the bail process for minors (children between 12 and 18) after they are arrested or detained. The eight building facility houses adult male and female inmates convicted of crimes with a sentence of two-and-a-half years or less. The Sheriff oversees all operations of the Suffolk County Jail, Suffolk County House of Correction, and the Civil Process Division. Suffolk Police Department said a woman was arrested after her son fell from a secondstory window on Wednesday. Police said the child is six-years-old. A man who allegedly stole a vehicle with a 6yearold child inside at a Suffolk convenience store Wednesday morning is now in custody, and the child is safe.