Police are searching for an Amazon delivery driver who struck the garage door of a home in Commack, Long Island while delivering a package. I received my first ever counterfeit claim from Amazon on behalf of an owner of a listing for selling "counterfeit products without a test buy."Give Amazon credit for at least requiring sellers to disclose their entity info and address. Hard on the body but can be fun. Amazon will open two stateoftheart facilities in Chesapeake and Suffolk, bringing more than 1500 jobs in all. Our fast-paced, physical roles take place in a variety of areas including merch, make-on-demand, customer returns, Prime Now, and general fulfillment. Amazon customer service says package is lost. If they are going to lie, they should at least talk to each other and get their stories straight. Amazon has gone to complete shit. I can't remember the last time I had an order show up without some kind of issue.