Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights. The Court's decimation of 50 years of precedent requires a rebuilding of jurisprudence to align with the promise of the Fourteenth Amendment.Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the right to privacy implied in the 14th Amendment protected abortion as a fundamental right. Wade, the Supreme Court found that this right to privacy was rooted in the Fifth Amendment. Rights, and Fourteenth Amendment, 66 TEMPLE L. REV. Legislatures began protecting the lives of human beings in the womb long before American independence. By completing this form, I agree to receive occasional emails per the terms of the ACLU's privacy statement. What did the 14th amendment have to do with Roe v. Wade? MOSLEY: We're seeing that many antiabortion activists now want the Supreme Court to amend the 14th Amendment. Rights, and Fourteenth Amendment, 66 TEMPLE L. REV.