They shall govern proceedings in the District Courts and Statutory County Courts of. One of the least controversial components of the Bill of Rights is the Seventh Amendment's guarantee of a right to a federal civil jury trial.The Office of Court Administration's Local Rules, Forms, and Standing Orders website holds searchable local rules, forms, and standing orders. In a trial involving a misdemeanor offense, a district court jury shall consist of six qualified jurors. The Seventh Amendment requires that the civil jury trial right be "preserved" in "Suits at common law. Introduction. Some legal norms have their shape fixed in the past. Additional jurors summoned to fill a jury panel shall be discharged when their services are no longer required. In a jury trial, special exceptions must be filed before the jury is given instructions. Absent settlement or further dispositive motions, the proceedings on remand will include a trial on the merits of the state-law claims. Former Prosecutor Assisting Clients in Fort Worth and Tarrant County.