It upheld the principle that states have control of local issues, like gun possession on school grounds. Lopez was charged in a one-count indictment with violating 18 USC § 922(q), which makes it illegal to possess a firearm in a school zone.A case in which the Court found the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act unconstitutional for overstepping the congressional boundaries of the Commerce Clause. The supreme court sided with lopez in a 5-4 decision and here's the reasoning from the majority opinion. The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 made the knowing possession of a firearm in a school zone a crime under federal law. The issue in this case is whether the Commerce Clause authorizes Congress to enact a statute that makes it a crime to possess a gun in, or near, a school. The issue in this case is whether the Commerce Clause authorizes Congress to enact a statute that makes it a crime to possess a gun in, or near, a school. He was arrested and charged under Texas law with firearm possession on school premises. Holding: Students do not have a First Amendment right to make obscene speeches in school. Lopez challenged his conviction, arguing that the law exceeded Congress's power under the Commerce Clause.