And even if you're ultimately found not guilty of the charge associated with the arrest, the arrest, and the charge will remain on your record. In Texas, you may be eligible to petition for an expunction of your non-conviction record, allowing you to deny that the arrest occurred.In many cases, pending criminal charges and arrests that did not result in conviction may appear on a Texas criminal background check. If you were convicted on an offense, you are not entitled to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure. At the end of deferred adjudication, the court will dismiss the charges without a conviction. The University of Texas's School of Law has a pro bono legal clinic that handles expunctions. Intake sessions are held each September and February. Even if you are arrested and the charge is dismissed, it's only part of the legal battle. You will still have the arrest on your public record. In certain cases, Texas individuals are able to have their criminal record expunged (i.e.