In general, a seizure of a person is unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment if a police officer uses excessive force in making a lawful arrest. Attorney General Sean D. Reyes joined an amicus brief to the United States Supreme Court in Chiaverini v Napoleon over a Fourth Amendment question.The Utah Attorney General's Office won a case at Supreme Court of the United States on an important Fourth Amendment searchandseizure issue. Excessive force claims can be maintained under either the Fourth, Fifth,. Eighth, or the Fourteenth Amendments, but each. This chapter focuses on the degree of force an officer may use. Police officers violate the Constitution's prohibition on excessive force when they kill a shackled and handcuffed arrestee inside of a jail cell. C. The Convergence of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. Excessive force claims can be maintained under either the Fourth, Fifth,. Eighth, or the Fourteenth Amendments, but each.