The Fourth Amendment sets out the right to be free from "unreasonable searches and seizures" and establishes conditions under which search warrants may be used. That's why the Fourth Amendment protects "persons" from unreasonable searches and seizures.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. Under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, law enforcement officers must obtain a warrant before conducting a search. If this amendment is approved, state statute will eliminate the state sales tax on food. Once you have filled out your answer, you need to file it with the court where the complaint was filed. Frequently Asked Questions About Utah's "Show Me Your Papers" Law What is wrong with Utah HB 497? United States that the Fourth Amendment did not protect private land other than the area immediately surrounding one's home. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures. In general, most warrantless searches of private premises are prohibited under the Fourth Amendment, unless a specific exception applies.