(iii) refusing to refrain from performing an act that would impede the arrest or detention. Utah Code § 76-8-305 ; (a) interference with the peace officer; ; (b) willful resistance; ; (c) disorderly conduct; or ; (d) obstruction of justice.A judge can impose a sentence that includes a jail or prison term, probation, a fine, community service, restitution, or a combination of these penalties. How to fill out the Obstruction of Justice Utah Code Summary? 1. Read the instructions thoroughly. 2. These rules shall govern the procedure in all criminal cases in the courts of this state except juvenile court cases. Obstruction of Justice is a serious charge. Many people who are charged don't even know they broke the law. Utah's Clean Slate law requires certain criminal records to be expunged automatically. Dismissing a Criminal Case After Completing a Diversionary Program in Utah.