A judge can impose a sentence that includes a jail or prison term, probation, a fine, community service, restitution, or a combination of these penalties. Sentencing guidelines in Utah are aimed at three main factors: 1) Risk management;.2) Risk reduction; and. Then file it with the court. Mandatory 10-day jail sentence or 5 days in prison and 30 hours of electronic monitoring. License revoked for two years. What this means is that it has the least penalty of all three. A defendant convicted of a Class A misdemeanor may be sentenced to a jail term of no more than 364 days. Parole is where you are let out of prison because you served your prison sentence or you were released earlier. On the 31st the warrant of arrest was signed and executed, and on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of April the trial took place before the Revolutionary Tribunal. 18. 11.