Expungement means clearing your record. When a court expunges your case, without an expungement order, an arrest or conviction stays on your record forever.If you enter into a plea in abeyance agreement, it means you are waiving nearly all of the rights that you have as a criminal defendant. You must submit your request using DOPL's Application for Criminal History Determination. Most traffic offenses can be expunged without limit as long as time periods have been met and have no pending cases or fines owed. Utah's Clean Slate law requires the government to use technology to identify and automatically expunge minor criminal records for qualifying individuals. The Utah Expungement Act governs how records of an arrest or conviction are expunged in Utah regardless of when a person was arrested or convicted. Even if a defendant was not convicted of the crime they were arrested for; their criminal record will still reflect the arrest. The Utah Expungement Act governs how to expunge records of an arrest or conviction in Utah, regardless of when a person was arrested or convicted. 1. You must first obtain a certificate of eligibility from the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI), before filing a petition to expunge records.