Download and complete the Attorney General's Office Complaint Form. To initiate a complaint, you may contact the Internal Affairs - Police Conduct Unit Monday through Friday, from a.m.You may call POST directly and ask to speak with a POST Investigator at 801-256-2300 during the hours a.m. Toll-free Hotline: 833-FRAUD-11 (833-372-8311). Criminal defense attorneys at Intermountain Legal represent Utah clients accused of filing a false police report. Call 801-990-4200 for a free consultation. Welcome to the Salt Lake City Police Department Online Police Reporting System. Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free. You can sue the police officers for false arrest as a victim of civil rights violation, but not without an attorney. An attorney will gain access to the legal complaint against you and discuss it with you at length.