Introduction. This page explains how a defendant or a respondent in a lawsuit can file an answer to protect their rights. A judge can impose a sentence that includes a jail or prison term, probation, a fine, community service, restitution, or a combination of these penalties.These rules set forth the general procedural requirements for litigating cases in all federal courts. As a pro se litigant in a civil case, you should be. Information for inmates with disabilities at USP for medical treatment, accommodations, grievances, and resources for assistance. Decided November 10, 1926. 1. We determine next steps and get back to you. §99.2 What is the purpose of these regulations? In the two days since Utah's tip line to help enforce a new controversial bathroom bill went live, it's been flooded with thousands of fake complaints. You must respond to OSHA's follow-up contact or your complaint will be dismissed.