An actor commits providing false information to a law enforcement officer, government agency, or specified professional. It is a defense to the action that the employee of the library detaining the person had probable cause to believe that the person had committed library theft.In that case, one individual holds another against their will or takes them into custody without consent or legal authority to do so. Another type of false arrests is when the people making the arrest have no real grounds at all. False arrests come in different shades of illegality. Habeas corpus - Latin phrase meaning "you have the body"; A civil proceeding used to review the legality of a prisoner's confinement in criminal cases. But remember, even with "stop and identify" laws, police officers must have reasonable suspicion to believe a person committed a crime. A BPP who causes legal or economic injuries for their negligent or fraudulent conduct in a bankruptcy case is liable for damages. No consent was given: False imprisonment implies being held against your will. This means no consent was ever given in the act of confinement.