If you are falsely accused of domestic violence in Utah, you need to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Download and complete the Attorney General's Office Complaint Form.Learn more about crimes related to Unlawful Detention (Domestic Violence). If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at (801) 505-1586. This page is about how to ask for or respond to a cohabitant, dating violence or sexual violence protective order. We aggressively defend individuals throughout the state of Utah who have been charged with domestic violence-related offenses of all types. We aggressively defend individuals throughout the state of Utah who have been charged with domestic violence-related offenses of all types. If you've been arrested for domestic violence in Utah, call Weber Law right now at (801) 845-0956 for a free, confidential case evaluation. I'm sorry to hear all this. One thing to keep in mind is that you are divorcing and dividing up marital property.